VMware Workstation Pro 17.6.2 has beeen released 17th December 2024. Build Id is 24319023
Resolved Issues from the VMWare Website
After performing snapshot operations in the Snapshot Manager, VMware Workstation for Linux crashes
Taking, deleting, or restoring snapshots through the Snapshot Manager might cause VMware Workstation for Linux to crash. This issue is resolved in VMware Workstation 17.6.2.
Unable to take and use snapshots on a Linux guest operating system
Taking or trying to use snapshots on a Linux guest operating system causes Workstation to stop responding. The issue is resolved in Workstation 17.6.2 / Fusion 13.6.2.
Virtual machines on Windows 11 hosts become unresponsive after unlocking the device
After locking or unlocking the device with a virtual machine installed on a Windows 11 host, the virtual machine becomes unresponsive.
The kcompactd kernel process causes virtual machines on Linux hosts to become unresponsive
Virtual machines on Linux hosts eventually become unresponsive because of the kcompactd kernel process.