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Emacs Pulumi LSP

Install Pulumi Emacs Mode

The source code is on At the very bottom of the page are the instructions on how to install. You Need to have make installed.

$ make install emacs-client
mkdir -p ./bin
go build -ldflags "-X" -o ./bin -p 10 ./cmd/...
go: downloading v3.53.1
go install -ldflags "-X" ./cmd/...
mkdir -p editors/emacs/bin
cd editors/emacs && emacs -Q --batch --eval "(progn (setq package-user-dir \"$(pwd)/bin\" \
                                                          package-archives '((\"melpa\" . \"\") \
                                                                           (\"gnu\" . \"\"))) \
											    (package-initialize) \
                                                    (package-install 'yaml-mode) (package-install 'lsp-mode))" -f batch-byte-compile pulumi-yaml.el
Contacting host:
  INFO     Scraping files for yaml-mode-autoloads.el...done
Checking /home/mihamina/.emacs.d/pulumi-lsp/editors/emacs/bin/yaml-mode-20230329.723...
Package ‘yaml-mode’ installed.
Setting ‘package-selected-packages’ temporarily since "emacs -q" would overwrite customizations
Contacting host:
  INFO     Scraping files for lv-autoloads.el...done
Checking /home/mihamina/.emacs.d/pulumi-lsp/editors/emacs/bin/lv-20200507.1518...
Contacting host:
  INFO     Scraping files for markdown-mode-autoloads.el...done
Checking /home/mihamina/.emacs.d/pulumi-lsp/editors/emacs/bin/markdown-mode-20230412.126...
  INFO     Scraping files for spinner-autoloads.el...done
Checking /home/mihamina/.emacs.d/pulumi-lsp/editors/emacs/bin/spinner-1.7.4...
Contacting host:
Parsing tar file...done
  INFO     Scraping files for dash-autoloads.el...done
Checking /home/mihamina/.emacs.d/pulumi-lsp/editors/emacs/bin/dash-20230415.2324...
Contacting host:
  INFO     Scraping files for ht-autoloads.el... 
ht:0: Warning: Not registering prefix "ht".
  INFO     Scraping files for ht-autoloads.el...done
Checking /home/mihamina/.emacs.d/pulumi-lsp/editors/emacs/bin/ht-20230214.1632...
Contacting host:
  INFO     Scraping files for s-autoloads.el...done
Checking /home/mihamina/.emacs.d/pulumi-lsp/editors/emacs/bin/s-20220902.1511...
Contacting host:
Parsing tar file...done
  INFO     Scraping files for f-autoloads.el...done
Checking /home/mihamina/.emacs.d/pulumi-lsp/editors/emacs/bin/f-20230116.1032...
Contacting host:
Parsing tar file...done
  INFO     Scraping files for lsp-mode-autoloads.el...done
Checking /home/mihamina/.emacs.d/pulumi-lsp/editors/emacs/bin/lsp-mode-20230418.1027...
Package ‘lsp-mode’ installed.

In toplevel form:
pulumi-yaml.el:105:44: Warning: reference to free variable
pulumi-yaml.el:113:17: Warning: reference to free variable
pulumi-yaml.el:113:17: Warning: assignment to free variable
mkdir -p ./bin
cp editors/emacs/pulumi-yaml.elc bin/

The installation is done. We need to configure Emacs to use it. In case of upgrade, run make clean before make emacs-client

Configure Emacs

In order to configure Emacs to use it, we need to instruct Emacs about the path of the mode, and require it.
This configuration section has been updated after some reader comments

(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/mihamina/.emacs.d/pulumi-lsp/bin")
(require 'pulumi-yaml)
(require 'lsp-mode)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("Pulumi.*\\.yaml\\'" . pulumi-yaml-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("Pulumi.*\\.yml\\'" . pulumi-yaml-mode))
(add-hook 'pulumi-yaml-mode-hook #'lsp-mode)

You have noticed I added the path of the elc file, which has been copied there by the previous compilation.

When you first open a Pulumi YAML file, it will load the Pulumi mode, but without the LSP server enabled.
In order to run the Pulumi LSP, M-x lsp.
This will prompt about the LSP server to use: the only choice will be pulumi-lsp, choose it.

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