Why do I need to create XFCE menu entries
On my Linux workstation I sometimes get binaries of softwares (so I dont use the embeded package manager), then need to run them from the Desktop Environment (XFCE here) menu.
As I did not use the package manager, I have to install the menu entry manually.
The documentation is here, but I write this as a quick and dirty memo in order to have my stuff.
Create the menu entry is as simple as creating a file in ~/.local/share/applications/
Then the content of that file should be:
[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Encoding=UTF-8 Exec=/home/mrakotomandimby/Apps/freemind/freemind-bin-max-1.0.1/freemind.sh Icon=/home/mrakotomandimby/Apps/freemind/freemind-bin-max-1.0.1/accessories/ilink.png StartupNotify=false Categories=X-XFCE;X-Xfce-Toplevel; Name=Freemind Comment=Mind mapper
[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Encoding=UTF-8 Exec=/home/mihamina/Apps/postman/Postman/app/postman Icon=/home/mihamina/Apps/postman/Postman/app/icons/icon_128x128.png StartupNotify=false Categories=Development; Name=Potman Comment=API Browser