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my ocsigen project template


I often try to develop micro projects with Ocsigen. They are Quick and Dirty things without coplexity, just needing an admin login and deveral things.

I mostly start with this Project Template, and clean it the step after.

My Ocsigen Project template

Its composed by:

  • A main file:
  • An utility file:
  • A Makefile
  • Some tuning to the Ocsigen cofiguration file
  • Some Debian/Ubuntu packages installed

The main File

 open Lwt open XHTML.M open Eliom_services open Eliom_parameters open Eliom_sessions open Eliom_predefmod.Xhtml  open Gs  module Ep=Eliom_parameters;;  let session_table = Eliom_sessions.create_volatile_table ();;  let root_service =   Eliom_services.new_service     ~path:[""]     ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit     () ;;      let root_service_with_post =   Eliom_services.new_post_service     ~fallback:root_service     ~post_params:((Ep.string "login")**(Ep.string "password"))     () ;;  let logout_service =   Eliom_services.new_service     ~path:["logout"]     ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit     () ;;  (* Handlers *)     let root_handler sp _ _  =     let session_data = Eliom_sessions.get_volatile_session_data         ~table:session_table        ~sp:sp ()      in       match session_data with             Eliom_sessions.Data (name,password) ->              return                (html                   (head (title (pcdata "Accueil")) [])                   (body                      [(Gs.greeter_auth  logout_service sp (name,password))])) ;         | Eliom_sessions.Data_session_expired         | Eliom_sessions.No_data ->             return (Gs.login_page root_service_with_post sp "Accueil")  ;;  let root_handler_with_post sp _ (login,password) =   let clean_login = Gs.trim login    in     match (Gs.ok_credentials (clean_login, password)) with       | true ->         Lwt.bind           (Eliom_sessions.close_session  ~sp:sp ())           (fun () ->             Eliom_sessions.set_volatile_session_data  ~table:session_table ~sp:sp (clean_login, password);             return               (html                  (head (title (pcdata "Identifié")) [])                  (body                     [Gs.greeter_auth logout_service sp (clean_login,password)]))) ;       | false ->          return (Gs.login_page root_service_with_post sp "Recommencez SVP");;  let logout_handler sp () () =   Lwt.bind     (Eliom_sessions.close_session  ~sp:sp ())      (fun () ->       return (Gs.login_page root_service_with_post sp  "Deconnecté")) ;;  let () =   Eliom_predefmod.Xhtml.register     root_service     root_handler;   Eliom_predefmod.Xhtml.register     root_service_with_post     root_handler_with_post;   Eliom_predefmod.Xhtml.register     logout_service     logout_handler;;       

The utility File

 open Lwt open XHTML.M open Eliom_services open Eliom_parameters open Eliom_sessions open Eliom_predefmod.Xhtml  (*  #use"topfind";;  #require"mysql";;  #require"str";; *)  open Str open Mysql  module Ep = Eliom_predefmod;;   let trim the_input =   let space_regexp = Str.regexp " +"   and semicolumn_regexp = Str.regexp ";"   and replace = Str.global_replace   in replace semicolumn_regexp ""               (* Remplacement des point-virgules *)         (replace space_regexp "" the_input);;    (* et des espaces. anti-problemes  *)  let semicolumn_regexp = Str.regexp ";";;   let ok_credentials (u,p) = match (u,p) with   | ("admin","sdlqskd6dsf") -> true;   | _                       -> false;;   (* begin HTML constructions *)  let greeter_auth close_serv server_params (login, password)=   p [pcdata ("Bienvenue, titulaire de l'adresse "^login^".");      br ();      (Eliom_predefmod.Xhtml.a         close_serv         server_params          [pcdata "Se déconnecter."] ());     ] ;;   let login_page attached_serv server_params titre=    let login_form =     Eliom_predefmod.Xhtml.post_form       attached_serv       server_params       (fun (login, password) ->         [p [pcdata "Identifiant:";             (Eliom_predefmod.Xhtml.string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:login ());             br ();             pcdata "Mot de passe";             (Eliom_predefmod.Xhtml.string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:password ());             br ();             (Eliom_predefmod.Xhtml.string_input ~value:"S'identifier" ~input_type:`Submit ())]]) ()   in   (html      (head (title (pcdata titre)) [])      (body         [login_form]));;   (* end HTML constructions *)      

The MakeFile

 ######## # ocamlfind ocamlc -verbose -package str,ocsigen,postgresql,mysql -linkpkg   LAPTOP_FLAGS= -I /usr/lib/ocaml/pcre       -ccopt -I/usr/lib/ocaml/pcre       \               -I /usr/lib/ocaml/netsys     -ccopt -I/usr/lib/ocaml/netsys     \               -I /usr/lib/ocaml/netstring  -ccopt -I/usr/lib/ocaml/netstring  \               -I /usr/lib/ocaml/ssl        -ccopt -I/usr/lib/ocaml/ssl        \               -I /usr/lib/ocaml/lwt        -ccopt -I/usr/lib/ocaml/lwt        \               -I /usr/lib/ocaml/ocsigen    -ccopt -I/usr/lib/ocaml/ocsigen    \               -I /usr/lib/ocaml/postgresql -ccopt -I/usr/lib/ocaml/postgresql \               -I /usr/lib/ocaml/mysql      -ccopt -I/usr/lib/ocaml/mysql      \               -ccopt -L/usr/lib/ocaml/pcre                                           \               -ccopt -L/usr/lib/ocaml/netsys                                         \               -ccopt -L/usr/lib/ocaml/netstring                                      \               -ccopt -L/usr/lib/ocaml/ssl                                                   \               -ccopt -L/usr/lib/ocaml/lwt                                            \               -ccopt -L/usr/lib/ocaml/ocsigen                                        \               -ccopt -L/usr/lib/ocaml/postgresql                                     \               -ccopt -L/usr/lib/ocaml/mysql                                          \               /usr/lib/ocaml/unix.cma                                                \               /usr/lib/ocaml/threads/threads.cma                                     \               /usr/lib/ocaml/str.cma                                                 \               /usr/lib/ocaml/pcre/pcre.cma                                           \               /usr/lib/ocaml/netsys/netsys.cma                                       \               /usr/lib/ocaml/netstring/netstring.cma                                 \               /usr/lib/ocaml/netstring/netstring_mt.cmo                              \               /usr/lib/ocaml/netstring/netaccel.cma                                  \               /usr/lib/ocaml/netstring/netaccel_link.cmo                             \               /usr/lib/ocaml/ssl/ssl_threads.cma                                     \               /usr/lib/ocaml/dynlink.cma                                             \               /usr/lib/ocaml/lwt/lwt.cma                                             \               /usr/lib/ocaml/postgresql/postgresql.cma                               \               /usr/lib/ocaml/mysql/mysql.cma   OCAMLC = ocamlc -c -thread  gs:          $(OCAMLC) $(LAPTOP_FLAGS)  index:  gs          $(OCAMLC) $(LAPTOP_FLAGS) gs.cmo  all:  gs index          echo "all OK"      

The Ocsigen configuration file

Load the modules listed in the Makefile
     <<extension module="/usr/lib/ocaml/str.cma"/>>     <<extension module="/usr/lib/ocaml/pcre/pcre.cma"/>>     <<extension module="/usr/lib/ocaml/netsys/netsys.cma"/>>     <<extension module="/usr/lib/ocaml/netstring/netstring.cma"/>>     <<extension module="/usr/lib/ocaml/netstring/netstring_mt.cmo"/>>     <<extension module="/usr/lib/ocaml/netstring/netaccel.cma"/>>     <<extension module="/usr/lib/ocaml/netstring/netaccel_link.cmo"/>>     <<extension module="/usr/lib/ocaml/ssl/ssl.cma"/>>     <<extension module="/usr/lib/ocaml/ssl/ssl_threads.cma"/>>     <<extension module="/usr/lib/ocaml/dynlink.cma"/>>     <<extension module="/usr/lib/ocaml/react/react.cmo"/>>     <<extension module="/usr/lib/ocaml/lwt/lwt.cma"/>>     <<extension module="/usr/lib/ocaml/nums.cma"/>>     <<extension module="/usr/lib/ocaml/toplevellib.cma"/>>     <<extension module="/usr/lib/ocaml/ocamldap/ocamldap.cma"/>>     <<extension module="/usr/lib/ocaml/mysql/mysql.cma"/>>     <<extension module="/usr/lib/ocaml/postgresql/postgresql.cma"/>>       
Declare the host
        <<host defaulthostname="xxxxxxx">>         <<site path="">>           <<static dir="/home/mihamina/XXXXXXXX/static/" />>           <<eliom module="/home/mihamina/XXXXXXX/index.cmo" />>         <</site>>       <</host>>             

Installed packages

Got with:
 dpkg -l | awk '/^ii.+(ocaml|make|ocsigen)/{print $2}' 
 automake libcryptgps-ocaml-dev libcryptokit-ocaml libcryptokit-ocaml-dev libfindlib-ocaml libfindlib-ocaml-dev libldap-ocaml-dev liblwt-ocaml liblwt-ocaml-dev liblwt-ocaml-doc liblwt-ssl-ocaml-dev libmysql-ocaml libmysql-ocaml-dev libnethttpd-ocaml-dev libobrowser-ocaml-dev libocamlnet-ocaml libocamlnet-ocaml-dev libocamlnet-ocaml-doc libocsigen-ocaml libocsigen-ocaml-dev libocsigen-ocaml-doc libocsigen-xhtml-ocaml-dev libpcre-ocaml libpcre-ocaml-dev libpostgresql-ocaml libpostgresql-ocaml-dev libreact-ocaml libreact-ocaml-dev libsqlite3-ocaml libsqlite3-ocaml-dev libssl-ocaml libssl-ocaml-dev libtext-ocaml libtext-ocaml-dev libzip-ocaml libzip-ocaml-dev make makedev ocaml-base-nox ocaml-findlib ocaml-interp ocaml-nox ocamlduce ocamlduce-base ocsigen ocsigen-dev      

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