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facebook mistake disable account


On my Android telephone, this afternoon, I tried to use my Facebook account to spend time... Acces denied. I used the FAcebook application from the market.

Again, I tried: failure... Damn!

I try via the Android web browser, and when I log in, they say something like: "Please use the desktop version of this website because your account has been disabled. After that you'll be able to use Facebook normally".

Preceding facts

Deveral months, my Facebook account has been "hacked" because of a weak password. But there is no relation with the current events.

Several hours before that, I remember I seriously hurted the nuts of a poor young "teeny-hacker" on a Malagasy computing related group, and I knew there would be several actions from him and his friends. That's the way they are.


What I think that happened was the guys tried to bruteforce my account on Facebook. As they know I use my email address to log in.

Facebook identified it as a "virus" on my computer. I also know my ISP NATs customers, Facebook was just blind about what really happened.

Let's be frank: It's just dumb to assume I have virus without informing what lead to that conclusion. To answer them on the same technical level, I could have answered: "You're wrong guys, I run Android and a custom Ubuntu flavour. I dont have virus.".

What makes me guess instead of arguing with technical fact? I dont have Facebook side fact, and they should have provided them, so that I can act or investigate. They did not.


There are no immediate consequences about that.

But, I was on the process to use a Facebook page for professional use. But I think I will think twice before producing and publishing work on this. If I get locked out for several hours, or if any teeny kid tries to bruteforce my password, and drives me out: It wont be serious.

So, Facebook will remain a place for "fun", but not serious fun.

I knew that, now I confirm. They still have not the level of Google on that side.

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