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xubuntu early lightdm bug

My system

I have a Natty system where I wanted to early install GTK3 ported packages such as Evince, LightDM,...

To do so, I just temporarily enabled Oneiric repositories (without no more pinning configuration, I love my hairs) then installed

Ecountered problems

I got the lightDM login screen without problem. For some obscur reasons, I had to disable splashscreen at boot. That doesn't disturb me, I love seeing lines on my screen, it's an indication that things are going on.

But, after entering my credentials and choosing "Xubuntu Session" or "Xfce Session", I just got a framebuffer screen with a mouse pointer. Not more. I can escape from that state with "Ctrl-Backspace".

I joined the bug huntings:

Solution for me

Completely disappointed, I randomly tried to enter a "guest" session on the computer and the Xfce environment launched.

I tried then to move out all my $HOME files and directories and gave a try: It worked!

So, something in my ".config/" or any dotfile prevented Xfce to launch.

If you encouter that bug, try oyrself and tell me!

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