Use Case
I have one image URL, I want to serve a different image by IP clientRecipe
open Lwt open XHTML.M open Eliom_services open Eliom_parameters open Eliom_sessions open Eliom_predefmod.Any open Eliom_predefmod.Files open Eliom_predefmod.Xhtml let logo = Eliom_services.new_service ["logo"] Eliom_parameters.unit ();; let logo_handler = Eliom_predefmod.Any.register logo (fun sp () () -> Eliom_predefmod.Files.send ~sp:sp "/home/mihamina/public_html/GCI/rakotomandimby-logo.png");;I just have to build a function that returns a different PATH if I want to change the served image