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Bat Theme Configuration

Switching "bat" to "Coldark-Cold" theme bat configuration file is ~/.config/bat/config # Set theme to "Coldark-Cold" --theme=Coldark-Cold
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Workstation VM resize display

VMware Workstation guest VM display auto resize If you performed an ArchLinux system upgrade arround the begining of april 2024, you probably noticed that VMware Workstation guest VM display resize was broken. This has been reported in an Arch BBS discussion , and the fix has been propagated .

AzureDevops Release Branch

In Azure Devops, I have always wondered how does the release pipeline associates the stage to the branch the artifact is built from.   I mean,  When I build from the " dev " branch, it produces the artifact " artefact " and the release pipeline kowns that it is for the " DEV " stage When I build from the " preprod " branch, it produces the artifact " artefact " (same name!) and the release pipeline kowns that it is for the " PREPROD " stage When I build from the " prod " branch, it produces the artifact " artefact " (same name, again!) and the release pipeline kowns that it is for the " PROD " stage  In fact, it is set in a filter in the "Pre-deployment conditions": In each "stage", click on the "Pre-deployment condition" and on the artifact filter condition, tell what branch should trigger this stage