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Libvirt KVM fixed IP address

When playing with KVM LibVirt Vms, I often need them to have fixed IP address.
Ironically, I enjoy fixing them with DHCP.
Here is the “default” configuration I use in order to fix them.
Redefining the "default" network is done with:

virsh --connect qemu:///system net-destroy default
virsh --connect qemu:///system net-undefine default
virsh --connect qemu:///system net-define /tmp/network.xml
virsh --connect qemu:///system net-start default

Feel free to get inspiration:
  <forward mode='nat'/>                                     
  <bridge name='virbr0' stp='on' delay='0' />               
  <ip address='' netmask=''>      
      <range start='' end='' /> 
      <host mac="52:54:00:9a:81:00" name="" ip="" />
      <host mac="52:54:00:e0:0e:8a" name="" ip="" />
      <host mac="52:54:00:c1:ff:12" name="" ip="" />
      <host mac="52:54:00:06:a1:f4" name="" ip="" />
      <host mac="52:54:00:91:d1:96" name="" ip="" />
      <host mac="52:54:00:22:20:cd" name="" ip="" />
      <host mac="52:54:00:1d:0f:9e" name="" ip="" />
      <host mac="52:54:00:2a:a6:41" name="" ip="" />
      <host mac="52:54:00:f7:30:03" name="" ip="" />
      <host mac="52:54:00:86:a0:d6" name="" ip="" />
      <host mac="52:54:00:e8:a8:b8" name="" ip="" />

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