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Generic Linux AzureCLI

Generic (distribution independant) way to install Azure CLI

Official documentation is:

Both install and update

curl -L | bash
Downloading Azure CLI install script from to /tmp/azure_cli_install_tmp_yl6EWO.
######################################################################## 100.0%
/tmp/azure_cli_install_tmp_yl6EWO: OK
Running install script.
-- Verifying Python version.
-- Python version 3.10.6 okay.
-- Verifying native dependencies.
-- Unable to verify native dependencies. dist=arch linux, version=None. Continuing...

===> In what directory would you like to place the install? (leave blank to use '/home/mihamina/lib/azure-cli'): 
-- '/home/mihamina/lib/azure-cli' is not empty and may contain a previous installation.

===> Remove this directory? (y/N): y

I choose "Yes" here, it's just my choice

Then we continue

===> Remove this directory? (y/N): y
-- Deleted '/home/mihamina/lib/azure-cli'.
-- Creating directory '/home/mihamina/lib/azure-cli'.
-- We will install at '/home/mihamina/lib/azure-cli'.

===> In what directory would you like to place the 'az' executable? (leave blank to use '/home/mihamina/bin'): 
-- The executable will be in '/home/mihamina/bin'.
-- Downloading virtualenv package from
-- Downloaded virtualenv package to /tmp/tmpjq0ydq19/virtualenv-16.7.11.tar.gz.
-- Checksum of /tmp/tmpjq0ydq19/virtualenv-16.7.11.tar.gz OK.
-- Extracting '/tmp/tmpjq0ydq19/virtualenv-16.7.11.tar.gz' to '/tmp/tmpjq0ydq19'.
-- Executing: ['/usr/bin/python3', '', '--python', '/usr/bin/python3', '/home/mihamina/lib/azure-cli']
/tmp/tmpjq0ydq19/virtualenv-16.7.11/ DeprecationWarning: The distutils package is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.12. Use setuptools or check PEP 632 for potential alternatives
  import distutils.spawn
/tmp/tmpjq0ydq19/virtualenv-16.7.11/ DeprecationWarning: The distutils.sysconfig module is deprecated, use sysconfig instead
  import distutils.sysconfig
Already using interpreter /usr/bin/python3
Using base prefix '/usr'
New python executable in /home/mihamina/lib/azure-cli/bin/python3
Also creating executable in /home/mihamina/lib/azure-cli/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...
-- Executing: ['/home/mihamina/lib/azure-cli/bin/pip', 'install', '--cache-dir', '/tmp/tmpjq0ydq19', 'azure-cli', '--upgrade']
Building wheels for collected packages: antlr4-python3-runtime
  Building wheel for antlr4-python3-runtime ( ... done
  Created wheel for antlr4-python3-runtime: filename=antlr4_python3_runtime-4.9.3-py3-none-any.whl size=144554 sha256=9ff15dfb17ad07611a98dc4608988d0521f9262273cc342bb8b55d83227339ce
  Stored in directory: /tmp/tmpjq0ydq19/wheels/12/93/dd/1f6a127edc45659556564c5730f6d4e300888f4bca2d4c5a88
Successfully built antlr4-python3-runtime
Installing collected packages: ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
..., ..., ..., ..., ...
..., ..., ..., ..., ...
..., ..., ..., ..., ...
-- The executable is available at '/home/mihamina/bin/az'.
-- Created tab completion file at '/home/mihamina/lib/azure-cli/az.completion'

===> Modify profile to update your $PATH and enable shell/tab completion now? (Y/n): Y
===> Enter a path to an rc file to update (leave blank to use '/home/mihamina/.bashrc'): 
-- Backed up '/home/mihamina/.bash_profile' to '/home/mihamina/.bash_profile.backup'
-- Tab completion set up complete.
-- If tab completion is not activated, verify that '/home/mihamina/.bash_profile' is sourced by your shell.

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